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Tooth abscess: what are the symptoms and treatment?

Tooth abscess or dental abscess is an infection of the mouth that causes intense stabbing pain, sometimes accompanied by a high fever that is impossible to ignore. The abscess is generally located around the root of the tooth and can develop into a gum abscess if not treated quickly.

If left untreated, an abscess can lead to serious complications, not only for the teeth, but also for the body in general (heart, sinusitis, septicemia…). This is why it is important to consult a professional at the first sign of an abscess and make an emergency appointment with your trusted dentist.

In this article, the professionals at Clinique Dentaire 1935 explain the different types of dental abscesses, their symptoms and treatment.

Types of tooth abscesses and their causes

An abscessed tooth is an often painful bacterial infection that usually exists in two distinct forms. Whichever type of abscess you have in your mouth, it can cause gum swelling and many other unpleasant symptoms.

Gingival abscess or gum abscess

A gingival abscess is an often chronic infection located in the gum and alveolar bone. This oral abscess can be caused by certain medications or by poor oral hygiene. Frequent visits to a qualified dentist are recommended to avoid this.

The infection created by this dental abscess forms a periodontal pocket which results in a detachment of the gum. This lesion is the ideal breeding ground for bacteria to grow and proliferate in the tissues and this can lead to a periodontal abscess. An impacted wisdom tooth can also cause an abscess.

Periapical abscess and nerve necrosis

A periapical abscess is a purulent abscess that occurs at the root of the tooth, in the pulp and inside the alveolar bone. This abscess is caused by an untreated dental cavity and nerve necrosis (nerve death).

You should make an appointment with your dentist for a teeth cleaning and examination to prevent this type of infection. The pus from your oral abscess can spread into the gums through the dental canal where blood vessels and nerves run. This could lead to even more serious consequences!

What are the symptoms of a tooth abscess?

The most common symptom of a tooth abscess is intense, stabbing pain throughout the mouth. This pain may appear suddenly and tend to increase in the hours or days that follow.

Other symptoms that may indicate an abscess in the mouth include sudden fever, trouble swallowing and moving the tongue or hypersensitive teeth. Additional mild symptoms may indicate the presence of a tooth abscess and should be checked out by a professional early on to avoid complications.

What is the treatment for a tooth abscess?

For information on how to treat your abscessed tooth, it is best to consult your dentist. Treatments can vary depending on the abscess in your mouth.

For example, the treatment for a gum abscess is to clean/sanitize the gum and the base of the tooth (by scaling) and sometimes to perform a root planing. Unfortunately, in some cases, the only solution is tooth extraction.

Your dentist’s options for treating a periapical abscess are root canal therapy or tooth extraction. Antibiotics must also be prescribed to kill the bacteria before treatment.

Treat a tooth abscess quickly with the dentists at Clinique Dentaire 1935

Good dental hygiene, including avoiding excessive sugar, tobacco and alcohol consumption, is recommended to prevent an abscess from developing in your mouth. However, an infection may develop in your mouth despite all your precautions and form a dental abscess.

At the first sign of pain or symptoms, we suggest that you visit your trusted Montreal dentist to avoid consequences that could adversely affect your health.

Make an emergency appointment with the professionals at Clinique Dentaire 1935. They will be able to diagnose the problem with a special examination and a dental X-ray.

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